Morning Break: Magic Mushrooms; Mental Health Czar; ABIM Disclosures

— Health news and commentary from around the Web gathered by the MedPage Today staff


Is there a safe psychedelic drug? Well, safe may be an overstatement but magic mushrooms (psilocybin hallucinogenic mushrooms) sent just 0.2% of users to emergency rooms in 2016 which was considerably less than the rate for LSD users. (Newsweek)

The Trump administration tapped Elinore F. McCance-Katz, MD, to head an overhaul of the nation's mental health system, and that's good news according to the American Psychiatric Association, but a bad choice according to supporters of community and peer mental health programs. (The New York Times)

Can technology move from disruption to healthful interventions? (STAT)

Speaking of which, here's a preview of the first virtual reality symposium on healthcare. (Forbes)

Cannabidiol decreased the frequency of Dravet syndrome seizures in children. (CNN)

The unexpected way to treat child psychopaths. (NPR)

Is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis the hardest word to spell in health and science? (Washington Post)

The public disclosures of American Board of Internal Medicine tax documents seem to be missing. (Dr. Wes)

Why studying Sherpas can lead to better ICUs on Mt. Everest. (Discover)

How doctor assisted suicide became normalized in Canada in a year. (Motherboard)

Online therapy ethically not all it's cracked up to be. (Fast Company)

Morning Break is a daily guide to what's new and interesting on the Web for healthcare professionals, powered by the MedPage Today community. Got a tip? Send it to us: